Pinnacle - A single view of customers, exposure and your risk


Pinnacle ledger aggregation and reporting

The Pinnacle risk management platform is a web-hosted centralised credit risk management platform that delivers a ‘consolidated whole of customer and single view’ of any one debtor, across a multi-group business environment. Identifying consolidated customer exposure and performance ensures complete debtor oversight and improves risk management.

Pinnacle is ideal for:

  • Identifying common customers where multiple divisions exist
  • Managing consolidated credit limits across multiple ledgers
  • Identifying consolidated exposure where multiple accounts exist for the one customer
  • Managing Group structures where you have exposure to multiple related parties
  • Tracking divisional / business unit customer performance in diverse corporations
  • Improving efficiencies in credit resource management
  • Extensive debtor management and reporting across divisions

Pinnacle enforces the need to undertake thorough data-cleansing of all ledger records. High data integrity is therefore an important by-product of engaging the Creditworks Pinnacle system.

Pinnacle represents a best practice credit and risk management system. It facilitates a high level of risk management integrity and reporting capability across a multi-group business environment, supported by ongoing high integrity debtor validation processes.

For more information on Pinnacle, please contact us.

The Pinnacle system delivers:

  • Potential operational and resource efficiencies and cost savings
  • Efficiencies in credit procedures – ie time savings based on quick access to problem accounts and issues needing attention
  • Improved decision making and access to extensive reporting capabilities
  • Improved account review assessment procedures via fast access to limits, exposure and past trading performance
  • KPI based management - ie reinforcement of key credit and risk management objectives
  • Links to external and or internal scoring systems
  • Cost savings in terms of reducing duplication in search and credit assessment fees
  • Better control and visibility of credit limits by debtors at a
    • Business unit / Divisional level
    • Nationally based upon exposure to the group
  • Limit management improvements based on based on ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ options
  • Improved targeting of problem accounts
  • Improved visibility over group exposure involving related party accounts
  • Ongoing data integrity management for all accounts based on daily validation against ASIC and ABR register databases

For more information on Pinnacle, please contact us.